10 Years Later

Well the post was suppose to say 10 years later, not 10 years late haha. I swear I always do everything in a hurry that I never remember to double check anything. I am starting this just because. It will have a little bit of everything, makeup photography, my work, my life, my thoughts and everything under the sun lol. If I offend anybody #sorry#iamnotsorry! 

Anyway as most of you know Lance and I are expecting our second child. Yes to much of our surprise 10 years later. We swore up and down that Eli was going to be the only child that we ever had. He was our blessing and in all honesty he saved me from taking the wrong path in my life. He is and will always be my Sunshine. Hence why I always call him Sunshine. This one is another blessing, a BIG blessing as well. 

This pregnancy has been SO much different than when I was pregnant with Eli. Or maybe it has been the same I just don’t remember really being pregnant 10 years ago lol. I am 100% completely scared. Scared of losing the baby, scared that the dogs will eat the baby, scare Eli will not be as excited when the baby comes as he is now, scared of the delivery ( I swear this baby better not have me in labor for a week). As always scared financially. We had finally gotten ourselves above water and then BAM! Trust me I am truly happy and excited about the baby don’t get me wrong. I am trying everything in my nature to get our savings up so that when I am on maternity leave we don’t have to worry about where the money will be coming from. If it were up to me I would stay home with this baby for the first year of it’s life like I did with Bubba. I told Lance that I wasn’t going to miss any of Bubba’s first and that the first year was crucial for me and him. So I am trying to do the same for this one. Trust me it’s not going to be a big surprise for Lance if I do. 

Things I am not looking forward to are:

1. No sleep. I LOVE my sleep and now that Eli is older it’s so much easier just to sleep lol

2. Diaper bags. Although I guess it doesn’t matter because my purse is as big and weighs as much as one lol

3. Car seats and strollers lol. Bulky and heavy and always in the way lol 

4. Poopy diapers lol. Never was a big fan and Lance never changed them so once again I will get stuck with them. 

5. Crying and not knowing the reason why. I hated it when Eli was a baby and I did not know why he was crying and I couldn’t help him. 

Things I am looking forward to. 

1. Baby smiles 

2. Baby smells, the good smells lol. 

3. Having a baby in general 

4. Eli being a big brother and let me tell you he is super excited about it lol more than what we thought he would be

5. Having a baby in general lol 

6. Baby talk 

7. Baby’s first 

8. Baby everything

I know ALL of you would like it to be a girl lol. I have heard your requests lol. We won’t find out the gender of the baby until the beginning of next month middle of next month so we have a few lol. 

We were seriously truly Blesses with this baby! 



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